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(Peraduan telah berakhir) AEON Score & Win Contest

Shop now in AEON buying HISENSE Electrical Product and stand a chance to SCORE & WIN Amazing Prizes!

  1. Purchase any HISENSE Electrical Product(s) in a single receipt at selected AEON Store, and AEON Electrical Shop (“Participating Outlet”).
  2. Fill in Contest form to answer one question 
  3. Submit the Contest form, with purchase receipt attached, at any Participating Outlet.



  • Grand Prize: HISENSE 65'' 4k Smart LED TV x 1
  • First Prize: HISENSE 55'' 4k Smart LED TV x 1
  • Second Prize: HISENSE 49'' Smart LED TV x 2
  • Third Prize: HISENSE 39'' SMART LED TV x 3
  • Consolation Prize: AEON Gift Vouchers RM100 x 10

Tarikh Mula:

11 Jun, 2018

Tarikh Akhir:

15 Julai, 2018

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